Make Mulled Wine, Gluvine and Hot Cider from the comfort of your own home or business.
5 Litre capacity which is enough to give you around 30 – 50 cups full.
Adjustable Simmerstat control – Allowing you to select the perfect heat for your mulled wine.
Inside the heater is a Concealed heating element, this is an important factor as it gives you the option to add whole fruits and spices to your recipe. Water heaters with exposed heating elements would scold or mark ingredients.
Can also can be used as a water boiler for Cups of Tea, Coffee and Hot Chocolate.
Dimensions: Height to the Knob on Lid: 400mm Height to Top 330mm Around the Base 200mm Around the Top 180mm From Handle to Handle 275mm
RCD [Residual Current Circuit] provided @ £9.49
Rating 1.6 kW